Lo Chia-luen International Sinology Scholarship Application [Due on 31 May 2020]

National Chengchi University (NCCU)  Taipei, Taiwan

[Due to the global pandemic, the Lo Chia-luen International Sinology Scholarship’s application deadline has been postponed to May 31, 2020]

The Office of Lo Chia-luen International Sinology Chair, National Chengchi University (NCCU) is pleased to announce its annual graduate scholarship grants for the academic year 2020-2021.  

  1. The scholarship offers a monthly stipend of NTD 30,000 to MA students and NTD 50,000 to PhD students.
  2. The award period is 3 to 6 months (between September 2020 and July 2021).
  3. The scholarship provides recipients from overseas universities with one round-trip, economy-class flight ticket.
  4. Applications should be submitted to the Office of Lo Chia-luen International Sinology Chair via email (sinologynccu@gmail.com) by May 31st, 2020.Applications should include the following documents:
  • (1)Application form (Download Here)  
  • (2)Research plan written in Chinese (maximum of 2,000 characters)   (3)Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publications)  
  • (4)University certificate of enrollment and transcript  
  • (5)Two letters of recommendation  
  • (6)A NCCU advisor consent letter

For more information about the Lo Chia-luen International Sinology Scholarship, please refer to the latest news on the website (https://sites.google.com/view/sinologynccu).

三、申請者須檢附申請表、2000字以內中文研究計畫、含著作目錄的簡歷表、在學證明及成績單、推薦信二封、政大指導老師同意函,於109 年5月31日前email至sinologynccu@gmail.com提出申請。
四、申請表電子檔及其他資訊,請至「https://sites.google.com/view/sinologynccu 首頁/最新消息」下載。