Developing Research Collaborations with Chinese Researchers and Research Institutions: The Case of STEM Education

China Studies Research Centre, La Trobe University

2:30-4:00pm, Thursday 29 August, 2019
Room 318, ED2, La Trobe University

This presentation will report on our team’s experience in building a collaborative partnership with academic staff at the School of Teacher Education –South China Normal University in Guangzhou, China and the Guangzhou Maker Education Centre in the teaching of STEM education programs. The team also visited Capital Medical University and the Etown Academy in Beijing. The presentation will also introduce our collaborative research findings into pre-service teacher education and STEM education in Guangzhou.


Dr Premnadh Kurup is Lecturer in science/STEM education at La Trobe University and his research interest are  building confidence and competence in STEM education, informed decision making and public understanding of science.

Dr Xia Li is a University Statistics Consultant at La Trobe University and her principal research interests are applied statistics and biostatistics.

Dr Wu Guohua is a researcher at Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, China, and is currently a visiting research fellow at LTU involved in collaborative research project with La Trobe staff on STEM research.