14th Biennial CSAA Conference

The next CSAA conference, our 14th, will be held as part of ICAS9, the International Convention of Asia Scholars, in Adelaide July 5-9 2015. This intention was flagged at the association’s conference in Hobart in 2013 and again at our AGM at the Perth ASAA conference in July 2014.

This CSAA-ICAS conference will be a once-off and therefore unique chance for you to attend the CSAA as part of a much larger and exciting event bringing together Asia scholars from around the world and vastly increased chances to hear new people, make new friends and establish new network connections because China, like the rest of the world, is increasingly linked in to the rest of Asia.

Some key elements of CSAA & ASAA conferences have reshaped this ICAS event so the panels will be 1.5 hours with well catered tea and lunch breaks that allow you to meet and mix.

The theme for the CSAA and ICAS is Interculturality – Lessons from Asia and Lessons for the World.

The call for papers, panels and roundtables is now open.
