Justice: The China Experience


10-11 July 2014
Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus

Under both Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping’s leaderships, the party-state has adapted to the challenges posed by breakneck economic growth and inequalities of income by adjusting civil, criminal and administrative litigation and mediation practices to suit their political programs and objectives.

Have these dynamics, as they occurred in the juridical sphere, impacted official conceptions of justice? If so, how is justice understood, today, in the realms of civil, criminal and administrative law? Have legal reform, and the concrete workings of the legal system, affected popular conceptions of justice too? Does a tension between official and popular conceptions of justice exist?

A two-day workshop on 10 and 11 July at the Griffith University’s Gold Coast campus will bring together international scholars of Chinese law and justice to look at how the concept of justice is construed through judicial and administrative processes and the extent to which state-centric views of justice complement or contradict what other members of society perceive to be just treatment.

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